Need PC COMMAND V2 Protocol Details

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Need PC COMMAND V2 Protocol Details

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Can anyone provide me with details of the ICOM PC COMMAND V2 protocol which unfortunately is not CI-V as I was led to believe

It appears to produce strings like
<STX>*GET,MCH,SEL<ETX> hex 02 2A 47 45 54 2C 4D 43 48 2C 53 45 4C 03

sentences always start with <STX>* hex 02 2A and end with <ETX> hex 03

but I need an expanded set of commands and responses.

Project is to interface an OMNITRONICS IPR400 VOIP modem to an ICOM IC-801E marine set. The OMNITRONICS produces the PC COMMAND V2 stream and I will be using a Raspberry Pi (or similiar) to convert that to NMEA compatible sentences to control the Icom 801E.

Any pointers appreciated

Peter Tyers
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